How To Avoid a Hangover

How To Avoid A Hangover

The answer to the age old question of how to avoid a hangover is as much an art as it is a science. While a lucky 25 to 30 per cent of people are naturally hangover-resistant, the rest of us suffer. Luckily, there are a few effective science backed ways the rest of us can learn to survive the dreaded morning surprise and live to drink another day. Here’s how it breaks down.

A hangover is caused by your body metabolizing alcohol and its impurities. Alcohol is essentially a poison and is metabolized by your body as a toxic sugar. Nausea that may accompany drinking is your body’s way of saying WTF are you doing to me. Alcohol also contributes to dehydration which can result in pounding headaches. When you’re dehydrated, the tissues surrounding your brain shrink since they are composed mostly of water. This in turn exerts actual physical pressure on the brain. This is a hangover in a nutshell.

How to avoid a hangover with chow

Everybody loves to chow down when they’re drunk for a good reason. Eating before or after drinking helps to lessen the effect of alcohol by ensuring the party in your stomach is attended by more than just booze. The extra guests help to keep the alcohol from getting out of hand.

 How To Avoid Hangover With Food

Food plays the biggest role in answering the question of how to avoid a hangover. In fact, eating food before drinking has been shown to be most effective antidote. Also keep in mind that not all food is created equal in the hangover prevention game. Fatty foods are high in protein which binds with alcohol molecules and slows its absorption into the bloodstream. This gives the liver more time to process the good stuff and makes all the difference. It’s a good idea to combine some eggs and bacon with your bender. Breakfast joints fill up fast after last call for good reason. Eggs are also packed full of taurine (the good stuff in energy drinks) which has been proven to reverse liver damage caused by booze. Check out this article for more hangover food ideas.

How to Avoid a Hangover with Water

Like coffee and cranberry juice, alcohol is a diuretic which depletes your body of water. Your body is made of around 60% water and that level has to be maintained for your body to work well. The best advice Jon Taffer ever gave on Bar Rescue (that didn’t involve running a bar) was to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you throw back. This helps to dilute the effect of the alcohol and in turn helps to prevent a hangover. Give your liver more time to process the alcohol and it will thank you in the morning. Also consider replenishing your body’s stores of vitamins and electrolytes which have likely been washed out by alcohol. Folate and potassium are especially important. Both can be found in bananas and spinach.

How to avoid a hangover with the right potions

If you’re especially susceptible to hangovers, stick to potions light in colour. Darker liquors (and pretty much all liquers) contain congeners and other things your body sees as impurities. Congeners are substances that are produced during the fermentation process. When your body metabolizes them they contribute significantly to your hangover.

Drinking a glass of milk helps to slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. This also means you won’t be the first to get drunk and awaken with a mural painted on your face. Drinking ginger tea will also help to keep your stomach calm. Ginger is known to prevent nausea.

How to avoid a hangover with jedi mind tricks

A number of studies in the recent past have shown that a person’s preconceived expectations of alcohol consumption determine the affect more so than the amount of alcohol that is actually consumed. In other words, if you expect to get drunk it will take less alcohol to get you drunk. Shady bar owners have known this for years. That’s why so many get away with watering down your favorite potions. Drinking less alcohol puts less physiological strain on your body so less suffering will likely accompany the sunrise. The preconceived expectations of the accompanying hangover must be adjusted accordingly and therein lays the trick. The mastery of this method of hangover prevention should not be attempted by the novice.

How to avoid a hangover with abstinence

I couldn’t write an article about how to avoid a hangover without saying that the absolute most effective and universally recognized way to avoid a hangover is not to drink in the first place. Not drinking alcohol will keep you hangover free 100 per cent of the time, every time. Check out the video below to summarize what I’ve covered and don’t forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter.

Photo Credits: Maggie Cooper

Two Person Drinking Games

Get Intimate With Two Person Drinking Games

A proven cure to a lame party is a solid dose of social engagement. A creative assortment of two person drinking games up your sleeve can loosen the stiffest of stiffs and get your party going on the right track. It’s easier than you think and if you happen to get the job done, you’ll be remembered for it. If social engagement is the vehicle to an amazing party then two person drinking games are the key to get things started.

Two Person Drinking Games - Kings Cup Rules



Kings Cup Rules

Kings Cup is a simple and easy to follow drinking game for two or more players. Cards are arranged face down around the Kings Cup. Players, with their own drink in hand, sit around the cards. Each player takes a turn drawing a card and must complete an action assigned to that card. The game ends when the last King is drawn. The player who drew the last King must drink the contents of the King’s Cup. It doesn’t get simpler than that! You can assign your own actions to each card or use the most popular version of Kings Cup Rules.

Beerpong - Two Person Drinking Games




Beerpong is amongst the most popular of two person drinking games but in can be played in teams as well. In fact, it’s practically considered to be a drinking sport by many barsity athletes. This game is easy to get going and does not require special equipment. A ping pong and a handful of cups is all you need. A long, rectangular table, similar to a Ping-Pong table, is always nice but any table will usually do. Let’s not forget the beer, the most important of all components. The basic premise is simple. Place the half filled cups on opposite ends of the table and arrange them in a pyramid shape. The object of the game is to either lob or bounce Ping-Pong balls into your opponent’s cups. If you succeed and one or both of your balls end up in the opposing cups, your opponent has to drink. The first one to get the other opponent to drink all the beer wins the game. If this is your game, the following article will let you master serious beerpong skills.

Beerbong - two person drinking games




Beerpong and beerbong are often confused as the same game. They’re both considered two person drinking games but share little in common. Beerbong uses a special funnel-hose contraption to get the party started. Fill the funnel up with beer and drink through the hose below. The one who drinks the most the fastest and manages to hold it all down is declared the winner. Pace yourself with this one for obvious reasons. This is not the most creative of two person drinking games but it can be a quick way to a start the festivities. Here are some advanced beerbong tips for the brave at heart.

Ride The Bus Drinking Game



Ride The Bus Drinking Game

Ride the Bus Drinking Game is a party favorite. It can be played with two or more people.

Drink Responsibly

Two person drinking games are not for everyone. Know your limits and stay within them. If you’re hosting a party, that responsibility also extends to your guests as well.

From Lame to Fame

It’s not difficult to turn a lame party into an amazing one with two person drinking games. If you happen to be the athlete to get the job done, you’ll be elevated to greatness. Remember to pick up one of our cool bottle openers especially if you’re the host. You’ll stand out from the crowd and lay down the law with jedi like authority. Obey your every word your guests will.

Beer Bong Rules

Beerbong for two person drinking games

Beerbong: How to master this drinking game

Beerbong, it’s an activity that is a rite of passage for almost every college kid on the planet. If you do it the right way, you’ll be looked at as a God in the eyes of your peers. However, if you mess up, then you’ll end up being the one they laugh at for years to come. So, if you want to master this drinking game, here is a guide on what you need to do.

Master the Basics

The rules of beerbong, like with most drinking sports, are pretty simple. To play, you need drinking stuff like a large funnel with a plastic hose attached to it along with willing participants. Once you have those few items, then it’s time to play. What you do is fill the funnel with your favorite beer, holding the end of the hose at the same level of the funnel with your thumb placed over it so it doesn’t spill. Each person playing needs to take a turn and drink down all the beer without taking a break. If a person can’t do it or walks away, they lose. The person who wins is the person who not only drinks the most the fastest, but is able to keep all of it down.

Elevate Your Game

You might think that beerbong doesn’t require all that much skill, well, that’s actually where you’re wrong because there are different things that you can do to make your beer drinking technique better. For example, this is a game that is all about speed so don’t take little sips of the beer and instead, gulp it down as fast as possible. Sure, you might get a little messy, but it will be worth it when you get the win. Also, before you even begin drinking, take a deep breath to get in as much air as possible before so you don’t have to stop as often to breath while you’re drinking. Yes, breathing is essential to live, yet if you can get down on it during the game, the better off you’ll be. A final thing to do to improve your technique is to practice since practice makes perfect. You don’t have to practice with just beer either, you can use water or other flavored drinks to get you to the top.

Sport the Right Stuff

Now, if you’re going to take part in games for drinking like beerbong, you need to be prepared for it. That means, you need to have the right elite gear. It really does make a difference. For that reason, don’t make the mistake of trying to make your own beerbong from scratch due to the fact that you’ll probably end up with something that probably won’t work right. In place of ending up with a faulting drinking apparatus, turn to the professionals who make them for a living. By purchasing one that is already put together, you’ll get a beerbong that will always work right so you and your buddies can have a good time. The things to look for when getting one include getting one that has quality craftsmanship, the size of it since you want to get one that isn’t too big or too small, and buying one that is made out of sturdy materials that won’t break.

Drink Responsibly

Whenever you drink, one thing that you need to keep in mind is to drink responsibly. Why? You don’t want anyone to get hurt and that goes for any kind of drinking whether it’s using beer stuff when taking part in games for drinking or just going out to the bars with friends. You don’t want to get too over-the-top so make sure you set your limits and stick to them.

Gear Up

If you’re ready to play some serious beerbong, then make sure to get a new one for your parties with friends. Or, maybe you’re looking to play beerpong, which is an equally exciting drinking game using Ping-Pong balls and to find out more about both, check out the different products on this website. They all offer you a great way for you and your friends to have a good time.

How To Play Beer Pong

Beerpong - Two Person Drinking Games

How to Handle Balls Lika a Boss

Drinking games are a great way to loosen up and engage your fellow barsity athletes. Beerpong is perhaps one of the most popular drinking games around so learning a few critical pong skills delivers a bouquet of sweet social benefits.

Ball Handling for Beginners

Mastering beerpong starts with an understanding of the basics, as well as, a few finer points of sportsmanship. Before you tackle the nuts and bolts of the game like a true champ let’s review a few finer points of expected courtesy. Always remember to start the contest with a clean set of balls. If you can’t remember where your balls have been the night before give them a courtesy scrub before to pull them out on game day. You don’t want to be regarded as the one with dirty balls because that’s a label no amount of bleach can shake.

Now that the public service announcement is out of the way let’s get back to the nuts and bolts before they get cold. Like any worthwhile sportsmanlike contest, beerpong is played between two opposing teams. Typically each of the two teams consists of at least two players. Gone are the days when you sat around and played with your balls all by your lonesome. As you will soon discover, a little company makes all the difference.

The teams stand on opposite ends of a rectangular table and each team is given 5 partially filled cups of beer. The cups are arranged in a triangular shape as shown in the image above. Each team takes a turn skillfully tossing or bouncing their balls, one player at a time, into the opposing team’s cups. If you get your ball into one of the cups, the opposing team has to drink the contents of that cup and take it off the table. The winning team simply gets all the other team’s cups off the table. Sounds simple enough but if you have ever handled a ball or two in your time, you know it is much harder than it looks.

Beerpong Mastery

A Jedi like mastery of the game can’t be gained without some time on the court. Developing critical muscle memory is perhaps the first skill you should aim to acquire. Diligent practice is the only way to get there but your liver has limits so it’s usually best to keep your practices dry for the first little while. Wet balls are far more fun to play with but that’s not always the best way to develop the essential ball handling skills. You don’t always have to practice with others either. You’re a busy goal driven individual so coordinating practices with other like minded athletes might prove frustrating. Instead, always carry your balls with you and spare no opportunity to toss them about with Jedi-like precision. It won’t take long before you find yourself tossing your balls with masterful elegance to the envy of athletes and spectators alike.

Lastly, much like any worthy athletic contest, true mastery of this sport does not cease in the physical realm. Unfortunately, a true grasp of the psychological side of ball handling mastery falls far beyond the scope of this introductory article so like us on Facebook and we’ll keep you posted on any follow up articles.

Check Out Our Goods

Before we part ways, we hope you enjoyed reading this piece of inspired literature as much as we enjoyed writing it. Here’s to full frontal disclosure; these literary voyages are supported largely through sales of our products so please take a minute to check them out. We have a few worthy specimens (or so we’d like to think) you might want to get your hands on so it won’t hurt to look.