Is beer bad for you? The answer may surprise you!

Is beer bad for you? The answer to this question depends on a multitude of factors some of which may surprise you. The connection between health and moderate wine consumption is well established. Recent studies have also begun to identify the benefits of consuming moderate amounts of beer. Pour yourself a pint and let’s take a look at some facts and answer this important question once and for all.

Is beer bad for you? Pour yourself a beer and find out.
Is beer bad for you? Here are the answers.
Infographic: Benefits of Beer – Is beer bad for you?

A healthier brain

A study carried out by researchers in Helsinki suggest that moderate beer consumption may protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Another study linked beer and wine consumption to better memory in old age. Low consumption of alcohol was also linked to lower incidence of depression by this 2013 research study.

A stronger heart

If you want to find a professional opinion on the question, “Is beer bad for you?” you need to look no further than the American Heart Association. The AHA has stated that the antioxidants in wine and other alcoholic drinks have health benefits. In the late 90s, the British Medical Journal said that a moderate daily consumption of alcohol could reduce coronary heart disease risk by nearly 25%.

Guarding against stroke

The Harvard School of Public Health conducted study which revealed that moderate quantities of beer can prevent strokes. Some beers are low in calories and carbs, and have little to no fat or cholesterol. In fact, not only does beer have no cholesterol, drinking beer in moderation on a regular basis can actually move your HDL/LDL numbers in the right way. Beer helps clear the system and can push the HDL up as much as four percent. New research has shown that a moderate consumption of alcohol slows the decline of HDL as we get older, helping to reduce the risk of strokes. One or two daily servings for men, and up to one for women, has been associated with this slower decline of the HDL.
Reduced risk of cancer. Making a connection between beer consumption and reducing the risk of cancer is not difficult. Hops contains a potent antioxidant that hinders cancer-causing enzymes.

Stronger bones

While studies have shown no correlation between beer drinking and beer bellies, an NIH study suggested that the high silicon content in beer may aid in bone and connective tissue growth and development. It can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis as the hops in beer can slow the release of calcium from bone.

Boosting vitamin levels

Unfiltered or lightly filtered beer has some proper nutritious value. It has high levels of B vitamins, believed to help prevent heart attacks. And if you’re interested in setting off the metal detectors at the airport, beer is also a source of magnesium and potassium.

Reduced risk of diabetes

A study from Spain a few years back also tackled the question “Is beer bad for you” They found that the moderate consumption of beer in balance with a Mediterranean diet and regular exercise can help reduce the risk of diabetes. Beer contains vitamins, folic acid, iron and calcium. The study showed that men and women over 55, who regularly drank moderate amounts of beer, were less likely to have diabetes or high blood pressure and on average had a lower body fat content.

Healthier kidneys

The alcohol and hops in beer are natural preservatives and beer is no more processed than bread. With its high soluble fiber, beer can help keep you regulate and reduce the fat your body absorbs. Beer also has a diuretic effect and hops can slow the release of calcium, which forms kidney stones.
Lower blood pressure. Who knows more about what’s good for you and what’s bad for you than nurses? In a study of more than 70,000 nurses aged 25 to 42, they found that those who drank moderate amounts of beer had lower blood pressure than others that consumed wine or hard liquor.

The Risks

Don’t think the benefits of drinking in any way lets you ignore the dangers of drinking. All of the information here concludes one major point: drink in moderation. Consuming alcohol in excess can have the opposite effect on blood pressure, weight, heart health and reduce the effectiveness of medications.
While it is true that beer is low in calories as compared to some fruity alcoholic drinks, they are mostly empty calories, void of nutritional value. If you are watching your weight, beer causes your liver to burn acetate for energy rather than stored fat. Beer can also interfere with blood sugar levels, inhibiting the liver’s release of glucose. A lower blood sugar level signals your brain you’re hungry. Add to that the body’s way of dealing with food and drink is to break it down for absorption. Beer breaks down into chemicals including acetaldehyde. Not only is it toxic, it’s the primary contributor to the next day’s hangover.

Is beer bad for you?

The answer to this question is a resounding no!… provided you imbibe in moderation. Numerous independent studies show beer’s alcohol content is ideal for moderate drinking which has proven health benefits. Beer has a high water content, contains vitamins, minerals, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks and diabetes. Those are all great reasons to drink to!

If you’re still asking yourself is beer bad for you then check out this video, although it’s a little painful to watch.

Video: Is beer bad for you? This video says no.