How to Handle Balls Lika a Boss
Drinking games are a great way to loosen up and engage your fellow barsity athletes. Beerpong is perhaps one of the most popular drinking games around so learning a few critical pong skills delivers a bouquet of sweet social benefits.
Ball Handling for Beginners
Mastering beerpong starts with an understanding of the basics, as well as, a few finer points of sportsmanship. Before you tackle the nuts and bolts of the game like a true champ let’s review a few finer points of expected courtesy. Always remember to start the contest with a clean set of balls. If you can’t remember where your balls have been the night before give them a courtesy scrub before to pull them out on game day. You don’t want to be regarded as the one with dirty balls because that’s a label no amount of bleach can shake.
Now that the public service announcement is out of the way let’s get back to the nuts and bolts before they get cold. Like any worthwhile sportsmanlike contest, beerpong is played between two opposing teams. Typically each of the two teams consists of at least two players. Gone are the days when you sat around and played with your balls all by your lonesome. As you will soon discover, a little company makes all the difference.
The teams stand on opposite ends of a rectangular table and each team is given 5 partially filled cups of beer. The cups are arranged in a triangular shape as shown in the image above. Each team takes a turn skillfully tossing or bouncing their balls, one player at a time, into the opposing team’s cups. If you get your ball into one of the cups, the opposing team has to drink the contents of that cup and take it off the table. The winning team simply gets all the other team’s cups off the table. Sounds simple enough but if you have ever handled a ball or two in your time, you know it is much harder than it looks.
Beerpong Mastery
A Jedi like mastery of the game can’t be gained without some time on the court. Developing critical muscle memory is perhaps the first skill you should aim to acquire. Diligent practice is the only way to get there but your liver has limits so it’s usually best to keep your practices dry for the first little while. Wet balls are far more fun to play with but that’s not always the best way to develop the essential ball handling skills. You don’t always have to practice with others either. You’re a busy goal driven individual so coordinating practices with other like minded athletes might prove frustrating. Instead, always carry your balls with you and spare no opportunity to toss them about with Jedi-like precision. It won’t take long before you find yourself tossing your balls with masterful elegance to the envy of athletes and spectators alike.
Lastly, much like any worthy athletic contest, true mastery of this sport does not cease in the physical realm. Unfortunately, a true grasp of the psychological side of ball handling mastery falls far beyond the scope of this introductory article so like us on Facebook and we’ll keep you posted on any follow up articles.
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